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Accomodations in Prague

Large international hotel chains have secured some of Prague's most important hotel properties. Supply and demand dictates that Prague hotels are relatively expensive, even when compared to major Western cities.

Don´t be concerned that, if you want a comfortable place to stay, your only option is a hotel. The best pensions are friendlier, more comfortable and more tasteful than all but the very top hotels – and cost half as much.

You also have the option of renting rooms in a private apartments – these are a traveler´s best defense against Prague’s high hotel rates.

Let us know your preferences in price, location, service, and we will help you to make the best choice. We offer special accommodation according to your individual tastes – nothing is impossible for us.

We can also arrange tickets for cultural events, as well as concerts, theatres, sporting activities, restaurants and river cruises.

Book your tour now!
Marie Augustova, Prague & You, s.r.o.
Tel: +420-224-319-448, cell phone: +420-606-904-176
Skype: marie.augustova
Company address: Zikova 9/706, Prague 6, Czech Republic
Company ID: 283 85 012, tax ID: CZ28385012
Our sister site: Private Cars & Buses with Drivers in Prague
Company web: Prague & You
Content: © 2010 Prague & You, s.r.o.
Web design: © 2010